Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Making A Plan

1. Drink all my water..every day.

- This is a hard one though because I hate having to go to the bathroom a million times an hour. But, no pain = no gain, right?

2. Pay attention to my portion sizes.

- I need to get my husband on board with this one. He's NOTORIOUS for dumping a HUGE amount of food on my plate at dinner
and that needs to stop. Pronto!

3. Start an exercise regime.

- This one is going to prove to be the most difficult for me. Before I had my kids, I was an exercise nut. Up at the crack of dawn, doing situps and
pushups and going for long walks with my husband after work. Now, I barely have enough time to breathe. You'd think with all the running around
I do every day, I'd be as thin as a pencil. Yeah, not so much. No excuses though. I will get back in a routine.

4. Check in on SparkPeople every day and log my food intake and fitness activity.

-I need to hold myself accountable for my actions.

5. Make a list of "rewards" for when I hit certain weight milestones.

- This one is self-explanatory.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time For The Change Of My Life

Oh my God. I just hopped on one of those websites that calculates your BMI (Body Mass Index) for you. And it shows that I am…


Let's just all sit on that one for a minute.

Inside you realize that I'm slowly slipping into a very dark place. I'm horrified. Truly over the top scared sh*tless.

Okay. So, yeah. That just slapped me harder across the face than anything I've ever experienced before. But I can't go back. I can't change the numbers and continue to lie to myself and pretend that I'm this skinny little waif. I can't continue to blame it on the baby weight. My youngest is almost seven years old, for Heaven's sake.

I'm making a plan today on how I intend to change this. Now. I need to get motivated, and a website telling me that I'm obese is pretty much all the motivation I need.